Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi: The lion of Buganda roars!

The handsome and never aging Kabaka RonaldĀ  of Buganda made 60 years in April of this year.

In celebration of his 60 years of Kabakaship, i designed this project to help you get to learn more about this baby faced but influential African king.

But fast, here a little background about the kingdom of Buganda:

About Buganda

Buganda is a subnational kingdom within Uganda. The kingdom of the Ganda people, Buganda is the largest of the traditional kingdoms in present-day Uganda, comprising all of Uganda’s Central Region, including the Ugandan capital Kampala. The 6 million Baganda (singular Muganda; often referred to simply by the root word and adjective, Ganda) make up the largest Ugandan ethnic group, representing approximately 16.9% of Uganda’s population.


Buganda has a long and extensive history. Unified in the fourteenth century under the first king Kato Kintu, the founder of Buganda’s Kintu Dynasty, Buganda grew to become one of the largest and most powerful states in East Africa during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

view the projeqt here:


Please Note:

Additional information from this project was gotten from multiple sources on the internet. Enjoy!!

Prince Junju is the main contender to succeed Kabaka Mutebi

Ekitibwa Kya Buganda

Dear Baganda,

The media especially Bukedde, has been writing about Kabakaā€™s son, Prince Junju. But they should do more. In case Nnabagereka produces a son, that will be a potential candidate. But we are tired of minors, who rule through agents. We have not forgotten Katuramuā€™s mess in Tooro and that of Apollo Kaggwa in Buganda.

It is almost three weeks ago when l run a two page story of Qaddaffi, Museveni and Mutebi relations and warned that those sexing up their disagreements will be disappointed. This story has proved me right. l wondered after the two leaders had met in New York, and some presidential aides continued fueling disagreements in papers and on talk shows. Museveniā€™s problem with traditional and cultural leaders/institutions was interfering in partisan politics and they seemed to have agreed with Qaddaffi on that. So those sexing up disagreement between Museveni and Mutebi, Qaddaffi and Museveniā€¦

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